Medical Education
Leadership and Business Training
Wellness and Well-being
Career Development
Michael Ryan, MD, MEHP (he/him/his)
Professor and Associate Dean
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Virginia, United States
Stacy Ellen, DO, FAAP (she/her/hers)
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Drexel University College of Medicine/St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Jennifer Louis-Jacques, MD, MPH (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Virginia, United States
Latha Chandran, MD, MPH, MBA
Executive Dean
Medical Education
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Weston, Florida, United States
Description: At various points throughout our careers, we are faced with the question: should I stay or should I go? Do we remain in our current position, or do we take a new opportunity within our institution or, potentially, at another institution? The impetus for change may include potential for growth, personal circumstances, dissatisfaction with current role and/or institution, or a combination there-of. While such changes are inherent in our profession, it may feel uncomfortable or even taboo to navigate such situations.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with a framework for determining whether a new opportunity is worth pursuing. Informed by the health professions, business, and wellness literature, as well as the authors’ personal experiences, participants will learn a systematic method that may be applied to a variety of career transitions. The “4-Rs” framework; right opportunity, right team, right resources, and right time will be introduced through a series of case-based interactive didactic discussions followed by application in small group activities.
The session will incorporate diverse educational strategies including evidence-based didactics, individual reflective exercises, key questions to consider, detailed logistical worksheet activities, and shared stories between facilitators and participants. By the conclusion of the session, participants will possess a structured method, as well as a network of colleagues, who can facilitate a current and future decision to instill a more confident and satisfying determination of “stay or go?”