Fellow Physician Children's Hospital Los Angeles Los Angeles, California, United States
Background: Improved care of children with chronic conditions has increased the prevalence of medical equipment, especially supportive feeding and respiratory devices. An informal local needs assessment among medical school stakeholders found student interest in the topic, a knowledge gap, and lack of a structured curriculum. Objective: To evaluate efficacy of a medical equipment curriculum on changing learner attitude and knowledge regarding the indications, risks, and benefits of specific medical equipment. Design/Methods: A 3-session curriculum on supportive feeding and respiratory equipment for hospitalized children was developed using Kern’s 6-step methodology. Each 45-60 minute session emphasizes a different source of knowledge, with expert teaching during a classroom didactic session, peer teaching during case-based small group discussion, and family and patient led teaching during bedside learning. The IRB approved study uses quantitative methods to evaluate if medical students, who have been receiving the curriculum as part of their routine 3rd year pediatric clerkship rotation during the 2023 academic year, will be able to identify and communicate the indications, risks, and benefits of respective medical equipment to their peers and patients at the end of the curriculum. Pre and post curricular surveys are being administered to assess changes corresponding to the appropriate Dreyfus learner level (novice) and to changes in learner attitude and knowledge based on the Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation. Assessments of learner attitude will be via 9 questions each with a 5-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicative of greater perceived importance, and knowledge level via a 10-question test. Primary analyses will be done with a linear mixed-effects model to account for within-participant correlation. Learner feedback on topic relevancy, each session, and the overall curriculum will be collected to allow iterative changes. Data is being collected with electronic surveys generated and distributed with REDCap, with anticipated completion in January 2024.