PGY3 Resident Maimonides Infants and Children's Hospital of Brooklyn Brooklyn, New York, United States
Background: Nearly one in five people who identify as transgender are 13-17 years of age. Most children and adolescents who identify as LGBQT lack adequate health care and resources, partially due to the availability of such resources, and partially due to lack of both parental support and physician comfort. It is imperative that physicians are trained to provide adequate care for all patients, including transgender patients. This training should include structured education in transgender care, as well as guidelines on how to appropriately involve parents and families in the care of their child in a positive way with the goal of better health outcomes for all patients. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) serves as an excellent educational tool for medical residents. It allows residents to simulate real-life experiences with standardized patients, and actively work through their knowledge and knowledge gaps on any given subject matter, from clinical exam skills to anticipatory guidance. Objective: We aim to evaluate Maimonides pediatrics residents’ overall cultural competence and comfort with caring for transgender patients by introducing an OSCE and providing pre- and post-survey questionnaires to attempt to identify knowledge gaps and improve resident comfort. Design/Methods: We will survey the PGY-2 class at our institution, both before and after an OSCE which focuses on recognizing signs of gender dysphoria and counseling the patient’s family. Our goal is to determine residents’ comfort with transgender care overall and with knowing when to appropriately refer to pediatric endocrinology as well as psychological services. The pre-survey will be given out 1 month prior to the OSCE, which is scheduled for January 2024. The post-survey will be given 1 month after the OSCE after which data analysis will be performed and completed by the end of February 2024. No IRB requirements are needed per our institution.