PC PAL is the specialist developer of digital growth charting software – notably GrowthXP – used in 20% of the 100 best hospitals in the world. This application offers integration with electronic health records, charts for over 50 rare disorders (e.g. achondroplasia, Noonan, Prader-Willi, Down and Turner), multiple curves, calculations displayed automatically (e.g. target height, height velocity, bone age delay) and a comprehensive set of charts customized for local populations. We work closely with specialists to refine GrowthXP in response to changing clinicians needs, with a current focus on BMI in order to improve the charting of severe obesity in children and adolescents. Our software charting products also support perinatal specialists by providing unrivalled visualisation of bilirubin, blood pressure, prenatal growth and, within our partogram, the total birth process. Please visit our booth to discuss your needs and to test drive GrowthXP.
PC PAL - GrowthXP
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